The Grand Master Read online

Page 6

  Spirit closes his eyes, as he feels the need to do so. Inside his eyelids he sees some pictures appear. He doesn’t know how he knows, but he is certain that he does.

  ‘I have seen The Keeper. You are right; he looks just like me, or is it the other way round. I have to go to free him from The Grand Master. Apparently that is what his captor is calling himself now. He is the one you knew as GM3. I am told that you both need to hold my thumb to activate the key.’

  ‘How do you know this?’ GM6 asks Spirit.

  ‘It is written in my head behind my eye lids.’

  ‘Surely O would tell us.’ GM7 says.

  ‘I’ll think you’ll find he already has’ Spirit replies. ‘If you look behind you on the console there is a message waiting for you.’

  The pair turn as one. They approach the console and sure enough there is a message on the screen instructing them to hold the thumb with the key in.

  ‘That is like the ceremony for when a new Guiding Master is brought in here. That is what I had to do and you had to do when you arrived.’ GM6 says.

  They do as they have been instructed to and both of them take hold of Spirit’s thumb. They do so using their thumb and forefinger. The heat is intense but there is no pain to go with it, even though there is enough heat to burn their flesh. With a final surge of heat there is a slight singeing smell and the key drops out of Spirit’s thumb onto the floor where it crumbles into a small pile of dust. The dust then folds quickly into itself, until there is nothing there left to see.

  They let go of Spirit’s thumb and stand back to look at him. Something has changed within him.

  ‘I have to go now to find The Keeper.’ is all Spirit says.


  The key has dropped to the floor and gone to dust. All three sets of eyes are on it as it starts to disappear and then does.

  The part of the ceremony with the key going into the thumb had not been part of the ceremony that GM6 or GM7 had done before. The part they recognise is the holding of the thumb and the intense heat. Even the bit with the singeing smell is part of that ceremony. They are unsure what the key has to do with this. What they do now know for sure is that O is actually doing something about the rogue Guiding Master GM3. Somehow he has created Spirit and Spirit is the one who is charged with rescuing The Keeper. The question arises of how they are in this and what they have to do. Apart from the thumb ceremony there must be a reason why O has brought Spirit to them.

  But when you think about it, if they had seen or had reported a craft leaving them without their knowing about it first, then they would have been concerned to say the least.

  ‘I need you to take me to the launch area. I am told there is a small craft there that is especially for me.’

  ‘I don’t think there is GM6 says. There is the main craft which GM3 has taken and then other than that there is only the small emergency 2 man craft.’

  ‘There is another’ Spirit says ‘I have been told this.’

  GM7 turns to the console to check if there is a way he can confirm this. There may well be notes on his console, but he is still feeling a bit uncertain and restless about events. GM3’s actions have made him jittery and untrusting.

  Spirit can see that GM7 is troubled by what he has told them. He has not been told that this might be the case, so he has not got a comfort to direct them towards. GM6 joins GM7 at the console, but stands sideways so that she can keep an eye on Spirit.

  Spirit decides to make it easier for them, so goes and sits down in one of the comfy chairs. It happens to be the one that GM3 uses when he is present, but Spirit does not know that. The action is noted by the other two, also where he has sat down. Of course they could have become paranoid about Spirit choosing that seat, but they both quickly think they might have been miffed if he had chosen to sit in their seat.

  In general the action of Spirit sitting down has the desired effect. Spirit is just sitting there in a very non aggressive manner. He is not watching them, but rather is looking at his hands resting in his lap.

  ‘There is only the one craft there’ GM7 says quietly to GM6.

  ‘I can see that’ she replies.

  GM7 taps the keys on the keyboard trying to bring up more information.

  ‘I am surprised that O has not warned us of this, or at least makes things a little clearer now that he has lead Spirit to us’ he continues ‘it is all quite unsettling.’

  ‘He is showing us that something is being done. He is showing us that we don’t have to fret about whether we should stay or leave to find him. There is no way that Spirit has come from anywhere. Spirit must have been always on the craft, but we have just never been aware of it. Nor, I suspect, have any of the others before us, including GM3. My thoughts are now suggesting that if we weren’t aware of Spirit, then maybe we are not aware of another craft.’

  GM7 looks at his colleague carefully and thoughtfully before answering her.

  ‘You are right. We are being over cautious. As far as I am aware there is no way into here without our permission. That is what we have always been told and believed. The only doubt I have really is whether GM3 can get back in here. I guess that is what I am really worried about.’

  He gives a little start as a two word comment appears on the console ‘Well done!’

  That is enough for them both to go over to Spirit.

  ‘Come on Spirit. Let’s go find where O has hidden your craft then.’

  The trio make their way out of the console room and along a corridor. Each door is protected by a keypad. GM6 has chosen to take the lead, so she is the one to open each door as they reach it. When they reach the lift there is only room for one person at a time. GM6 goes down first having keyed her code on the keypad. When the lift comes up again to collect Spirit the door will not open when GM7 keys in his code. A fraction of a second of panic comes over him before Spirit reaches round him and puts his thumb on the keypad. The door of the lift slides open and he steps in. He joins GM6 in the launch pad where they wait for GM7 to arrive.

  When he does, they stand and look around the all but one craft empty launch pad. While GM7 walks to the console, GM6 walks over to the small craft she can see. There is no doubt this is the craft that is always here. It is number 367. Only one of those three Guiding Masters can use that craft. Only they can get into it too.

  Spirit goes over to the console with GM7, but stands a little away from him so as not to crowd him. He lets his eyes wander around the launch pad. He has no idea what he might be hoping to find, but like his initial experience when he surfaced, he realises he has to look for the solution; the solution is not going to come looking for him.


  I watch as The Grand Master gathers himself after his rant. I see his eyes return to normal and he takes a further couple of minutes before he starts to ask me his questions.

  ‘So, as The Keeper of The Balance, what is it that you do?’

  I take a couple of seconds longer than he thinks I should have done before I attempt an answer. My mouth is on the verge of opening to answer, when he cuffs me round the face once more. This time I am unable to avoid more than the slightest part of the blow. I remain conscious without too much effort, but my cheek is stinging and I see a spot of blood on his hand.

  ‘Don’t try to be smart Velchin. You are no match for me.’

  ‘I am not trying to be smart’ I quickly respond so that he doesn’t hit me again. ‘It is just that what you want to know, I am not aware of.’ I quickly continue so that he believes I am cooperating. ‘In fact it is more likely that you know more than I do. It was only just before you landed on Earth that The Watcher came to speak with us. All we have ever known is that he stands there all the time and watches over us.’

  He is still not looking happy, but he appears to be giving me the chance to say what I am going to before taking any more action.

  ‘I don’t have anything given to me, I don’t have special powers and
I live a normal life. I eat, drink, sleep, live and die like an Earth person. In fact until The Watcher spoke to me that is all I thought I was, except for some reason he watches over me.’

  ‘You have nothing at all. That is what you are saying. Then how do you expect to be able to do something about keeping the Balance?’

  I am not sure if he is really asking me, or whether he is talking to himself out loud. I think it is probably a bit of both.

  ‘All through time we have been told there is a Keeper of The Balance. It is what is believed by every colony, every planet which has a life form. The Universe has been created with a balance to keep everything in check. So that nothing can totally dominate and take advantage of weaker species. So that no one can take advantage of species that aren’t well developed. To protect the ones whose technologies are not as far advanced as the earlier colonised planets? This is the key to the Universe. The colonies are spaced so far apart in the Universe to help keep them all apart and let them evolve at their own pace, without having to worry about being invaded from other worlds.’

  He stops for a think so I leave him to it. As long as he is processing everything, he is hopefully leaving me alone. I am still feeling apprehensive. Maybe I should be aware of what I am in existence for. Maybe I should have approached The Watcher, made a bigger effort to do so. If I had done that, do I think he would have told me more? I really don’t know. He had said when he did speak to us, that he had taken the decision when we moved to Earth that he would let us integrate and not keep us apart. But to do that, he did not tell us what being The Keeper means. That way I couldn’t tell anyone.

  A horrible thought passes through my head, thinking that if I tell GM3 that, he is going to lose it completely. Who knows then what he might do to me. I may as they say, come back again in a different skin, but this one is going to take a lot of pain before that can happen. I do not relish that thought one bit. I look at him just as his eyes return to rest on me.

  He takes a slight movement towards me, but stops himself before he really moves. He drops back into thought mode, before deciding to change tack.

  I am really confused as GM3 takes a hurried step backwards and bursts into laughter. Once he has started he finds it difficult to stop and I can see tears running down his cheeks, from laughter. It isn’t an infectious laughter though, as it seems to me to be more an insane laugh. I can do nothing other than sit and watch him. Eventually, and I mean a good five minutes after he has started, he slowly winds it down to a stop. He then recovers his composure and wipes his eyes.

  Without warning, he then steps forward and slaps me twice. Once with his left hand, followed quickly with his right hand. The first one is ok, but the momentum shock and stop of the second one definitely dazes me, as I suspect it was meant to. I am there but not there, but I can still hear his voice.

  ‘It is all just like the rest of it. Everything has been set up as a deterrent; one big universal

  deterrent. All through time everyone has respected that there is a Balance and that it is

  carefully controlled and maintained. Then if it should arise, then there is this character; The Keeper of The Balance. The Keeper of The Balance holds the power to come and restore the Balance to where it has been distorted. We even have in place someone who looks over The Keeper. This is The Watcher. We also have The Guiding Masters of whom I was one, who keep an overview on everything and occasionally go out to see places. IT IS ALL A SHAM!!’ he suddenly shouts making me jump. He does it again, but now he has taken hold of me by my clothes and is shaking me as he shouts the words again and again.


  He stops shouting and lets me go. I slump into my chair. He stands over me looking scornfully down at my huddled shape.

  Chapter 21 RICARDO

  The doctors come in to look at him. Ricardo keeps up the pretence of hurting far more than he actually does, all through their thorough examination. His guard has been removed from the room, but Ricardo knows he isn’t far away. On one hand it is nice to have the doctors say he is improving, but on the negative side they will make it impossible for him to spend more than the coming night before he is whisked away to a secure holding place.

  Ricardo knows that he will have to find the opportunity tonight or the task will become almost impossible. He is going to have to take his strength very much on trust, unless he can find some way of testing things out later, but before he makes his attempt.

  The guard comes back in and scowls at him, but then sits down on his chair. He takes out his phone and rings a number. He tells them that Ricardo is now awake, but won’t be discharged into their care until the morning. He suggest to whoever he is talking to that maybe they should send two men to take over for the night shift. Ricardo is unsure of the response the man gets to this suggestion.

  What it does do though, is throw Ricardo into a panic. He might not even have the chance to escape tonight, if they send two men to guard him. For now there is nothing he can do. The nurse comes back in to check on him. She starts to take away some of the tubes attached to him.

  ‘The doctor says that we need to make sure you can pee on your own before we let you go. Also now you are awake we don’t need all of these. In fact normally you would be transferred to a ward now. You may yet be if we get a rush on.

  Ricardo can see those words strike home with his guard. He doesn’t like that idea one little bit. He tries ringing someone, but isn’t getting through. He goes out of the room and tries there, but isn’t having any luck so he moves off a bit. The nurse follows him out of the room a few seconds afterwards. Ricardo decides that he needs to get a bit prepared if he can. He won’t be able to escape in these pyjamas. He has a look in his locker. It is not his clothes in there, but someone has put some clothes in there. His must have been destroyed. His shoes are lying beneath these clothes. Without the wires and tubes attached he is much more mobile. He grabs the pants and manages to remove the things he is wearing and put the pants on. All the while he is keeping an eye on the door and through the window to beyond. He can just make out his guard’s arm showing a distance away. He changes his top and puts the pyjamas back on again. He thinks it would be good to get shoes on, but they might show when someone looks at the bed. He decides on balance he needs to have them on so, on go the shoes and socks. He can’t put the sweater on, as that definitely would be seen. He is surprised he has been able to get this far as quickly as he has, with the man out of the room. He is also pleasantly surprised with how his body has stood up to all this movement.

  He is ready and still his guard is out there talking. Ricardo decides to risk getting out of bed and edges towards the window. He can see the man is still talking on his phone. The nurse is talking to another nurse. His guard stops talking and puts the phone in his pocket. He starts towards Ricardo, so he bolts for the bed. His guard doesn’t come in though. He pushes open the door. All he sees is Ricardo apparently sleeping. He decides something and turns away again. Ricardo can hear him talking.

  ‘I’m just going to nip off for a pee. Keep an eye please!’

  ‘Ok’ Ricardo hears someone reply.

  The door closes and Ricardo takes a chance and goes to the door. Through the glass he sees the guard go through a door several yards away. No sooner has he done that than the two nurses are alerted to something. They dash round their desk and into a room at the far end of the small ward.

  Ricardo takes his chance. He quickly opens the door and ventures into the ward. No one is there to see him rip off his pyjamas and dump them in the bin as he passes on his way to the door. He walks straight through it and starts along the corridor. It is long, so long in fact that he thinks he will not make it far enough before he is chased. He quickens as much as he can and dives through a door to one side. The first door he comes to and it has stairs. There are stairs going up and stairs going down. He makes a quick decisi
on and goes for upstairs.

  He has rounded the first landing, when he hears someone running really fast along the corridor he has just left. He stops for a second to listen. The footsteps don’t run for long. He starts up the stairs again, just before he hears the door open at the bottom. The footsteps start again taking the steps two at a time, thankfully downwards. Ricardo continues up to the next floor. He goes out into the corridor and sees a couple of cleaning carts. He feels better now as they give him an idea of escape. Now all he needs is a uniform.

  He walks up to the carts. They are parked outside an open door which turns out to be a store cupboard for the cleaners. He can hear two women talking inside. He knocks and goes in.

  ‘Hi there’ he opens with. ‘Is this where I get my uniform? I’ve got a bit lost I think. They said to come to the store cupboard and the clothes are on the shelf at the back.’

  ‘Not at the back’ one of the women replies ‘they’re here on this shelf.’ She looks at Ricardo before lifting out a smock top and some matching pants and a cap. ‘You can change right here if you like’ she says winking at her friend ‘seeing as they sent you here instead of supplies.’

  ‘I’ll find a toilet instead’ he says blushing.

  ‘That’ll be next door then’ she says ‘which wards have they put you on?’

  ‘A & E’ is the first thing to come into his head.

  ‘Poor you! You’d better shift it though. The shifts swop in ten minutes.’

  ‘Thanks’ Ricardo says moving quickly back out and into the toilet, the ladies toilet at that. He puts the smock and pants over his clothes. Whether she has been having a joke with him, but the clothes he’s just been given are slightly on the large side for him. It does mean he can put them on top of his clothes.