The Grand Master Read online

Page 14

  As soon as the first missile is taken out the remaining pellets pick up the heat of the second one. The process repeats itself, before Spirit presses down again and another stream leaves his craft. No sooner has he destroyed one missile than another two appear to be launched.

  ‘You need to send a stream of pellets towards as many different missiles as you can’ the voice comes over to him. ‘You can operate the system by thought process if you prefer.’ He immediately responds and sends out multiple streams of compounded micro laser beams, each one with a stream of air compounded pellet shots. Although there are still missiles being launched from Luvus, the air in between is filled with the destruction of the missiles already on their way. In fact there are so many pellets now in the air shooting down the missiles; they are picking them up only a few seconds after launch. It doesn’t take long for the launching of further missiles from Luvus to cease. The remaining pellets crash into the side of Luvus, but do not manage to destroy the launch area. Spirit thinks that this is because they are at the extreme of their 1000 mile limit. Also he believes that the outer shell of Luvus is made from something extremely hard. The rear screen shuts down in front of Spirit and his seat is returned back to the main console.


  It may not have been his plan at the outset, but it certainly is part of it now. However effective the androids may be and however well he has managed to set his protection in the programmes, he is still feeling vulnerable. Now that he has provided craft and weaponry to Valpar and unleashed The Baddies (he can’t help but have a laugh at the name they have given themselves), he has the feeling that in not too long a time they might consider it a possibility to challenge his position. There may well be only thirty three of them at the moment, but there is no telling how many similar personalities they may recruit as they conquer planet after planet. No, he hadn’t planned things this way, but it is for the best that he is now on his own; just like he has been on Luvus, with only his androids for company. He has the two androids that are with The Keeper and another six that he has kept for himself, after the ones The Baddies have taken along with them. They have made enough androids so that Valpar, Grillech & Posdon each have 20 androids on their individual craft, along with the brains and capability to build another 50 more each. If they try to build any more than that they will not be able to clone their androids, as they have a limiter fitted which will prevent that from happening. They will be able to build androids, just not anything that is anything like in the league of these ones. Also if any android they build tries to change the way the others are programmed, they will be summarily destroyed. Of course none of The Baddies are aware of this fact. All they know is that they will be able to have another 50 androids each.

  There had been little argument about which planets they were going to invade first. There seemed little point in doing anything other than spreading out in all directions and invading the nearest ones first.

  The Grand Master has divided the Universe into four quarters using Velchitta as the centre point. The Baddies for some reason had wanted to use Malis 2 as the central point, but The Grand Master could not let them do that for a simple reason. He wanted his quarter to include the base of the Guiding Masters and have the planet Earth in his quarter too. So as to make it look as if he was using a simple 360 degree circle with dividing points of north, east, south and west; that meant using Velchitta as the centre. He didn’t state his reasons and they quickly let him have his way, but it was a warning to him that he might in time face more challenging circumstances with them.

  The androids on board each of The Baddies’ crafts are going to construct small transporters, so that they can send back The Grand Masters’ percentage of all wealth they take. He has set this as a lowly 10 per cent, which surprises The Baddies. He has already worked out that the value in all this is not the physical wealth, but the position of power he will hold in the Universe. He has no intention of conquering the planets in his quarter for now. He has more important things to do.

  The Grand Master is going to go back to the base of the Guiding Masters. He is going to take a force of androids with him. Of course The Keeper will be with him too, for what he is worth. He is then going to take over the base, strip it down if he has to, to find out what O is. If he is anything as ineffective as The Watcher and The Keeper have been so far, then it is not going to be much of a battle, not even a fight. He knows this is where he has to go, because if he doesn’t have total control of The Guiding Masters, then he doesn’t really have control of anything. But what he really needs is to have control of what is behind the Guiding Masters; now to have control of that is to have control of everything that goes on in the Universe.

  What he has not considered of course is that this may all be just a small speck in a much bigger world. If that is the case there may well be somebody or something watching his every move. This somebody or something could very well at any second, step in and put a stop to his deviation of the planned course for this Universe. The Grand Master has not allowed himself to think down this course, simply because it has not occurred to him.

  He waits to watch Valpar leave to start his assault. The first two planets on his list are Torlech 72 and Torlech 74. Grillech also leaves to start his campaign in his quarter with the planets Minelgea and Pardea 22B. The last to leave of the trio is Posdon. His first targets are Zalofa 7 and Zalofa 7B. He has the furthest to go before he can begin his invasion.

  The Grand Master waits until all three are well on their way in their respective directions, before he sets his co-ordinates back to what has, for as long as he can remember, been his home. The journey will give the androids more than sufficient time to construct enough more of them. This will make his job quite simple when he gets there. He has no real idea what he is going to do if GM6 and GM7 put up any form of a resistance. For that matter O may well come into play in that department. It will be interesting to see how the base stands up to a dose of its own medicine; if he has to use the Air Micro Compounder Laser weapon pellets on it. His preference would be not to destroy the base, but if that is what has to happen then so be it.


  Valpar makes sure he is on the correct course Torlech 72 before he goes to the travel pods alongside his eight companions. The androids are busy constructing the rest of their number as he gets in. He sets the controls to bring him out while they are still a long way out from their destination.

  As he presses the last buttons, he has slight reservations about all of them being in the pods at one time. To leave his trust in the androids not to do anything against him particularly and the other eight too, is pushing things to the limit. Who knows what they might have been programmed to do at different times in their quest.

  He spends a few minutes thinking that it would be a good idea if he recruits more people at the first opportunity. At least he knows how to control people. They are much easier to manage than a machine, where you are not totally aware of the machine’s capabilities. The fire power of the androids is quite scary compared to people.

  The travel pod opens and he gets out feeling fresher than he went in. Although time stands still while you are in the travel pod, the body still goes through a recharging process. He is followed shortly by his companions. They gather round the desk and look at the map of their first invasion target. Torlech 72 is a medium sized planet that is almost totally covered by water. In fact 99% of the surface is water and only 1% is land mass, virtually all in one piece. There are no more than two or three factions in the one million or so population. The climate is not totally ideal, as it is very wet. The 1% land mass is very mountainous but the seas are rich in nutrients and minerals. Most of the food is grown in huge glass houses using ultra-modern methods. There is not enough soil on the planet, so they are grown on water and nutrients and light alone. There is no shortage of food, as the seas are rich in fish and edible crustaceans. Their technology has been directed towards making the best o
f their planet’s riches. There have never ever been any landings from aliens. The Guiding Masters have never visited this planet. Or if they have, they have done so in a manner the inhabitants are not aware of.

  There is a faction of the people here who are the ones who do the more menial tasks. Ideally as the planet has no shortages as such, one would normally want to bring in other people from somewhere else to do these jobs. This is impossible for them, so it has resulted in these people having to be rewarded more highly. However this has not stopped there being discrimination on a social scale against these people. Wealthy compared to most they may be, but they are frowned upon as lowly in status and are not included in other circles of life. As the population has grown the pressures have risen and the rift has grown too.

  It is this area of the planet’s weakness that Valpar intends to exploit. From the information given to him, he knows where their numbers are populated. It is in that area he intends to land his craft. There is no set area for craft to land, as there has been no space travel from Torlech 72.

  They cannot announce their arrival. They are prepared as they land to send out 10 androids to gather the people they need to talk to and bring them to the craft. They are also sending out another 20 to form a shield between this area and the rest of the planet. Valpar thinks that this will be sufficient, if not overkill.

  They land and the androids set out. This was never going to be easy as the sight of a spaceship landing on your planet is always going to install fear in the inhabitants. Valpar decides that he needs to go out and show that he is the same make-up as these people. The androids are not improving the situation. It proves to be the right decision as the situation is becoming too volatile. Also, the androids guarding the outside perimeters are starting to get hugely outnumbered. The situation needs managing and that needs to be done quickly.

  Valpar quickly gets the people to gather some of their respected numbers together. He then goes with them to see the growing crowd. With the help of the ones they are with, they get transport to take them to the meeting halls. Valpar has left only three of his people and a handful of androids with his ship. The rest are with him as the meeting hall fills. Valpar sees that the people sit in three separate areas, other than those who are with him on the stage.

  It is only at this point that he tells everyone present that they are now taking over the planet. A short period of panic ensues as some of the inhabitants try to set about Valpar and his companions. If only they had noted how grouped they had become and how the androids have positioned themselves in strategic positions, to control the actions of every one of the five thousand the meeting hall holds. The people outside who are now swarming towards the hall, are another matter altogether. That number does not include the minimal army, navy and police force. They are already mostly in the hall. Only those navy personnel who are at sea and a few army and police are not present in the hall already.

  This is the largest gathering of people in one place in the planet’s history. The androids, on cue, send warning shots into the air above everyone’s heads. Quietness briefly engages them, before several individuals try their luck against their invaders. Their efforts are short lived. The androids ruthlessly cut them down in a hail of pellets, taking out more than their intended targets, but hoping that serves as a warning to all.


  ‘There is nothing to stop us from doing what we want to do. The threat or deterrent of having The Keeper and his guardian The Watcher is worthless. They are not capable of stopping anything at all now. The Guiding Masters are also nullified, as they are helpless too. Everything was set up on a deterrent basis, but it has never been tested up until this time. In all of time in the Universe, not one person has actually challenged these things until now!’

  He stops and looks at the others round the table. They are all sitting there with their mouths open. Ricardo’s frank and open admissions seem to have taken them by surprise. He doesn’t think they were expecting him to say anything like what he has just said. He decides to plough on with a bit more.

  ‘I am not alone on Earth. There are others who have also been activated. As I speak they are already meeting up with some others. They are people like minded as yourself, who know that those who get in at the beginning will be more powerful in the future. They will be the ones who will lead this assault and change the balance of power and wealth.’

  ‘Here-here to all that.’ The words are echoed by all four others round the table. ‘I’m Tim. These are my brothers John & Mike and you already know my Mum. We have been waiting for something to happen for a long time. When I went out to the field on patrol, it all felt familiar and good. I was sent to gather up the weapons your mate brought along. I didn’t see you use them, but I saw the results of what they can do. I couldn’t save them all as they would have known straight away that I’d got them. I managed to get one out; I managed to slip it in my pocket. I found it in the bag. It won’t be missed, as nobody knew what was in there in the first place. I nearly got the one you used, but the officers took that one away with them before I could hide it away.’

  He reaches into his pocket and lays a small weapon down on the table. From the looks on the other faces, they have already seen it before. It is smaller than a normal handgun and does not have a barrel as such. The hand grip is about the same, but the top is nearly flat with just a notch where there maybe should have been sights. He handles it carefully.

  ‘I haven’t tried to use it; well that is not entirely true. I did take it out the back and try to fire it, but it won’t. I am guessing there may be a safety catch somewhere, but I have no idea where it is.’

  Ricardo picks up the weapon. As soon as he does so, it lights up along the top section.

  ‘It didn’t do that for me when I held it’ Tim says. ‘It didn’t do that now, nor did it do it when I took it out back.’

  ‘It didn’t do it either when any of us held it.’ John says.

  Ricardo hears their words but doesn’t look up at them. He turns the weapon over in his hands thinking about depressing the trigger. Then he remembers how powerful the weapon he used before had been. He decides he should wait until later. This weapon will make a difference though, he thinks to himself. He puts it back down on the table, so as not to make too much of it.

  ‘The other one I used did the same thing. I think they have pre-set them so that they can only be used by the person who is intended to use it.’ He doesn’t know if that is the case or not, but it is enough for him to use convincingly.

  ‘We have some guns that we have managed to acquire. What do you want us to do?’

  Ricardo is surprised that they want him to lead them, but then it makes sense. He is the one with the connection to The Grand Master. All these words have tripped out of his mouth. He was not aware of them until he spoke them, but now he knows it all to be true.

  ‘We cannot stay here for much longer. They will be looking for me to find out what I know. I guess they might expect me to still be around the area. They will be expecting me to be trying to get another vehicle too I suspect. We need to go somewhere where we can plan our next move, without having to worry if they are going to trace us. It might only be a matter of time before they find the taxi driver who brought me back to this town.’

  ‘Where did he drop you off?’ Tim asks suddenly alarmed.

  ‘At the railway station; he then drove straight off before I moved away.’

  ‘We had better get ready in case someone saw you coming in. Not that they have released a description or anything yet. In fact they have kept it all pretty hush-hush. It is probably because there is a space craft involved. Can you imagine the panic, if they let out that aliens have landed and you have escaped from guard in hospital? Even so, we should go now. Are you coming Mum or are you staying here?’

  ‘Do you really think I am going to let you boys have all the fun? Our man here was my only guest, so I can just turn the sign and that will be that. Where are we goin
g to go?’

  ‘I was thinking of Joe’s place. That is where the weapons are and it is remote enough for us not to be noticed. Anyway, he has adventure groups stay there every now and then to use his facilities. I’ll just give him a ring and make sure it is alright to go today. He has always said if we get anything going, to count him in.


  The Watcher has listened to Baram. He is not surprised to hear that there was no coincidence about the craft, which in essence has saved him on Earth. What he is surprised about is that the people of Parlantte seem to be so well informed about the whole situation. There is a possibility that one of The Wise Soul, Elkante or Draton did manage to get a communication through to Parlantte. But if Baram is right, then they have severed any possible link to the outside world. Despite that, they appear to be well up in their knowledge as to what is going on in this Keeper situation. There has been a short break for refreshments. Bluechen and Marlitta have been very quiet through everything so far. This has not gone unnoticed by the rest of the room.

  ‘I know it seems as if everyone knew what was going on except for you’ Baram speaks to them as everyone sits down at their places again. ‘In retrospect we think The Guiding Masters, and whoever or whatever is in charge of them, have been quite disrespectful in not making you aware of who exactly is The Keeper, what their role is and how they are supposed to implement this. Also how they are actually able to keep the Balance or restore it I mean. I believe that is what The Keeper is all about. It is such a poor decision to have done things this way.’

  ‘I agree’ replies The Watcher. ‘I am mostly an android, but even there my systems have not been given sufficient data to allow me to act decisively. I feel that I have been given a task I was never going to be able to achieve when tested.’